We have previously delivered workshops, shows and STEM days for corporate events, charities, nurseries, weddings, libraries, farms, fetes,
school induction days and even shopping centres!
Whether it's for an audience of 5 or 500, our shows and workshops
never fail to entertain, enthuse and educate.

Event Entertainment
What does an Einstein's Entertainers event show or workshop involve?
We design each workshop or show around our clients' needs and requirements.
In the past, we've performed halloween shows at museums, bespoke Charlie and the Chocolate Factory workshops at libraries, kept children distracted for hours at weddings and filled Google's offices with touchable bubbles! Scroll down to see more of our past clients.
Whatever the theme, we make sure our work is interactive, educational and, above all, fun for all ages.
Slime Making Workshops

Dry Ice Halloween Show
Previous Requested Workshops Include
Light and Colour
The Animal Kingdom
Fire and Explosions
Optical Illusions
The Human Body
Taste and Sweet Making
Magic vs Science
Chemical Reactions
Halloween Special

Open air
Science Performances
Corporate Family Day
Shows and Entertainments