Interactive, educational and entertaining science workshops and
STEM Days for your budding little scientists.
Mess, stress and hassle-free

Choose from our selection of existing themes below, or contact us to create something more unique to help support the curriculum, and inspire a love of the sciences in your students. Suitable from KS1 to KS2.
School Workshops
What does an Einstein's Entertainers workshop involve?
We design each workshop or show around your school's needs and requirements.
In the past, we've boggled the mind of Reception with psychedelic colour wheels, saved the bees with Year 3s and learnt about chemical reactions with Year 6 in very explosive ways!
Whatever the theme, we make sure our work is interactive, educational and, above all, fun.

Learning about polymers with Slime

Learning about sound with tickly tuning forks
Workshops Include
Light and Colour
The Animal Kingdom
Fire and Explosions
Optical Illusions
The Human Body
Brilliant Bubbles
Taste and Sweet Making
Sound and Vibrations
Looking After the Environment
Chemical Reactions
for more information and a quote